ws165_WHY?: questions about Japan - Religion (a)
ws166_WHY?: questions about Japan - Religion (b)
2021-04-02 1:00am
hope this series helps you to understand the Japan country and people.
text テキスト: 『なぜ、日本人は? 答えに詰まる外国人の質問178 Hard-to-Answer Questinos about Japan』著:内池久貴他 written by Uchiiké Hisataka and others/訳:マイケル・ブレーズ translated by Michael Brase(ジャパンブック JapanBook 2009)
music 音楽: 理由 Riyū, The Reason(尾崎豊 Ozaki Yutaka)
piano ピアノ: Takayoshi Hirano
illustration イラスト:
なぜ、お寺と神社の両方にお参りするのですか? |
Why do
Japanese worship at both Buddhist temples and Shintō shrines? |
なぜ、結婚式は神道でやるのに、お葬式は仏教であげるのですか? |
Why are
weddings held at Shintō shrines and funerals held at Buddhist
temples? |
なぜ、神社の前には鳥居があるのですか? |
Why is there a
gate in front of Shintō shrines? |
なぜ、神社で拝むとき手を叩くのですか? |
Why do
Japanese clap their hands when worshipping at a shrine? |
なぜ、祭りのときに神輿を担ぐのですか? |
Why are
portable shrines paraded around during festivals? |
なぜ、狐や実在の人物を祀る神社があるのですか? |
are foxes and historical persons worshiped at Shintō shrines? |
なぜ、イエス・キリストの墓が日本にあるのですか? |
Why is
Christ's last resting place said to be in Japan? |
今回は「cocolo supplie ココロさぷり」の個人的意見というより、ほとんど引用にしたほうがいいと判断しました。
引用はすべて『日本文化を英語で紹介する事典 A Bilingual Handbook on Japanese Culture【第3版】』著:杉浦洋一+John K. Gillespie(ナツメ社/2004年)によります。
Religion in Japan can roughly be divided into Shintō and Buddhism. However, in contemporary Japan, both Shintō and Buddhism are becoming more like a deeply rooted “custom” practiced in daily life rather than expressions of faith, as espressed in the phrase and practice of “a wedding with Shintō and a funeral with Buddhist rites.”
神道 Shintō
Shintō, literally “the way of the gods,” is the Japanese religion from ancient times, centering on the ideas of Japanese intimacy with nature and ancestor worship. All things on earth were brought froth and ruled over by the gods who reside throughout all nature. Mountains and trees often become objects of worship, and Shrine archways and sacred Shintō ropes mark sacred areas. Ordinarily, when shrines are built, objects of worship in which a god or gods reside are enshrined there. Shintō constitutes the foundation of the sensibility of the Japanese people, but most present-day Japanese, rather than placing faith in Shintō, feel their cultural identity through it.
Shintō meanwhile supported the Emperor system in a religious sense, and even now its ancient customary practices remain as the religion of the Imperial Family.
仏教 Bukkyō
Bukkyō came to Japan in the middle of the sixth century. Supporters of bukkyō subsequently won a victory in the political power struggles of the time; building temples in every area under government patronage, it spread throughout the country. In the Kamakura Period (1185-1333), as a number of new leaders appeared and deepened its philosophy, bukkyō made clear its position of saving the weak. Zen Buddhism was brought to Japan in the Kamakura Period by priests who studied in China, and it flourished principally as the religion of samurai. At present, a culture in Japan that has bukkyō as its backdrop has laid roots deeply in the lives of the people and, together with Shinto, forms the spiritual culture of the Japanese people. Also, even today new sects of bukkyō keep emerging and gaining believers.
それぞれの項目に「cocolo supplie ココロさぷり」の個人的な解説というか意見というか考えを付け加えておきます。
Why do Japanese worship at both Buddhist temples and Shintō shrines?
神仏習合 Shinbutsu-shūgō
Shinto-Buddhist synthesis
In Japan long ago, Buddhism, which came from abroad, and Shinto, which is a folk region, occasionally came together in a synthesis. Because Buddhism is not a theistic doctrine and Shinto principally worships nature, there were no contradictions in synthesizing them. This is called shinbutsu-shūgō. This tendency continued for a long time after Buddhism was introduced in the sixth century, with Shinto shrines supporting the construction of Buddhist temples.
When Japan began to function as a modern nation state in 1868, shinbutsu-shūgō was prohibited because the government set a policy of strengthening Shinto. But now, it is quite common to set up both Buddhist family altars (butsudan) and Shinto family altars (kami-dana) in the same house or to have weddings with Shinto rituals and funerals with Buddhist rituals.
Why are weddings held at Shintō shrines and funerals held at Buddhist temples?
Why is there a gate in front of Shintō shrines?
鳥居 Torii
Shinto shrine archways
Torii are archways at the approaches to Shinto shrines and have become symbols of Shinto, indicating a sacred place where divinities dwell. Originally, they were perches for roosters offered to shrines. Two crosspieces are set on top of two upright pillars. These are everywhere in Japan. On seeing a torii, one can expect to find on the other side a Shinto shrine or a small shrine sheltering a divinity.
Why do Japanese clap their hands when worshipping at a shrine?
Why are portable shrines paraded around during festivals?
祭り Matsuri
Japanese festivals are roughly divided into two kinds. Traditionally-held festivals involve Shinto deities and the people communicating through certain rites on specific dates. Formalities vary, for these festivals are mixed with a diversity of folk beliefs, yet they are invariably held in any region in Japan wherever there is a shrine. Meanwhile, from traditional festivals in which are similar in form to those traditional festivals, have also become to be called “matsuri.” And when a certain number of people gather and create a lively space, that too is called “matsuri,” and the collective state of excitement is called the “state of making a fete of it (o-matsuri sawagi).”
Why are foxes and historical persons worshiped at Shintō shrines?
Why is Christ's last resting place said to be in Japan?
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