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ws153_WHY?: questions about Japan - Company Life (a)
ws154_WHY?: questions about Japan - Company Life (b)
2021-01-08 1:00am
hope this series helps you to understand the Japan country and people.
text テキスト: 『なぜ、日本人は? 答えに詰まる外国人の質問178 Hard-to-Answer Questinos about Japan』著:内池久貴他 written by Uchiiké Hisataka and others/訳:マイケル・ブレーズ translated by Michael Brase(ジャパンブック JapanBook 2009)
music 音楽: 理由 Riyū, The Reason(尾崎豊 Ozaki Yutaka)
piano ピアノ: Takayoshi Hirano
illustration イラスト:
Why are Japanese such hard workers?
Why do Japanese feel it necessary to settle problems behind the scenes?
Why is one's educational background considered so important?
Why is changing jobs seem as a bad career move?
Why has the number of part-timers increased so much?
Although shōgatsu means January, it is generally celebrated for the first three days or the first week of January and is the most important period for the Japanese. Schools and businesses close for one to two weeks after about December 29, and many people who live away from their families return home to spend this time with their families. To prepare for shōgatsu, a general house cleaning is done, and New Year’s pine and bamboo decorations, sacred straw festoon, and round mirror-shaped rice cakes are set out. On New Year’s Eve, bells speeding the old year are rung at temples and the New Year is welcomed by eating year-crossing noodles. On New Year’s Day, many wear Japanese-style garments and people go for the first temple or shrine visit of the New Year and pray for health and happiness in the new year. Shōgatsu is also enjoyed by reading New Year’s cards and by children receiving New Year’s gifts.
Use google translate if you want to read this post in other language.
hope this series helps you to understand the Japan country and people.
text テキスト: 『なぜ、日本人は? 答えに詰まる外国人の質問178 Hard-to-Answer Questinos about Japan』著:内池久貴他 written by Uchiiké Hisataka and others/訳:マイケル・ブレーズ translated by Michael Brase(ジャパンブック JapanBook 2009)
国際山岳デー(こくさいさんがくデー)、ないし、国際山の日(こくさいやまのひ、英語: International Mountain Day)は、2002年の国際山岳年 (International Year of Mountains) の取り組みを踏まえ、2003年1月30日の国際連合総会における決議によって定められた国際的な記念日(国際デー、啓発デー)で、日付は12月11日。決議では、「持続可能な山岳地域の発展の重要性 (the importance of sustainable mountain development)」への関心を喚起するために様々なレベルで行事を行うことが提唱されている。
December 11, "International Mountain Day", was designated by the United Nations General Assembly in 2003. The General Assembly "encouraged the international community to organize events at all levels on that day to highlight the importance of sustainable mountain development."
International Mountain Day is "observed every year with a different theme relevant to sustainable mountain development. FAO is the U.N. organization mandated to lead observance of International Mountain Day.
The theme for International Mountain Day 2010 was "Mountain minorities and indigenous peoples." It aims to raise awareness about indigenous peoples and minorities who live in mountain environments and the relevance of their cultural heritage, traditions and customs."
On International Mountain Day 2018, Josué Lorca, president of Venezuela’s National Parks Institute, traveled to the mountains of the Sierra Nevada de Mérida, to announce measures intended to lengthen the life of Venezuela's last remaining glacier.