ws167_WHY?: questions about Japan - Customs (a)
ws168_WHY?: questions about Japan - Customs (b)
hope this series helps you to understand the Japan country and people.
text テキスト: 『なぜ、日本人は? 答えに詰まる外国人の質問178 Hard-to-Answer Questinos about Japan』著:内池久貴他 written by Uchiiké Hisataka and others/訳:マイケル・ブレーズ translated by Michael Brase(ジャパンブック JapanBook 2009)
music 音楽: 理由 Riyū, The Reason(尾崎豊 Ozaki Yutaka)
piano ピアノ: Takayoshi Hirano
illustration イラスト:
なぜ、たくさんの年賀状を送るのですか? |
Why do
Japanese send out so many New Year's cards? |
なぜ、お中元、お歳暮というプレゼントをするのですか? |
do Japanese send gifts in summer (chūgén)
and winter (séibo)? |
なぜ、お彼岸に墓参りをするのですか? |
Why do
Japanese visit the family grave during the vernal and autumnal
equinoxes? |
なぜ、「お盆」は7月と8月に2回あるのですか? |
Why is Obon
held twice, in July and August? |
なぜ、海や川にロウソク(灯籠)を流すのですか? |
Why are
candles set afloat on rivers and in the ocean during Obon? |
なぜ、大晦日には、除夜の鐘を108回撞くのですか? |
Why are temple
bells struck 108 times at midnight on New Year's Eve? |
なぜ、結婚式を挙げていい日といけない日があるのですか? |
Why are there
good and bad days to have a wedding? |
なぜ、4と9という数字は嫌われているのですか? |
Why don't
Japanese like the numbers 4 and 9? |
なぜ、料理屋の前に塩を置いてあるのですか? |
Why is there a
little pile of salt in front of Japanese style restaurants? |
なぜ、バレンタインデーに女性が男性にチョコレートをあげるのですか? |
Why do women
give men chocolate on Valentine's Day? |
それぞれの項目に「cocolo supplie ココロさぷり」の個人的な解説というか意見というか考えを付け加えておきます。
Why do Japanese send out so many New Year's cards?
New Year’s card
This is a card sent as a greeting for the new year. It usually has a picture of an animal appropriately corresponding with that year’s sexagenary cycle (éto) and is sent so that it arrives on New Year’s Day. Government post cards indicating a New Year’s gift are popular, because a prize is awarded by lottery. Most business néngajō come complete with the printed contents, while writing one’s own néngajō can tax one’s ingenuity. Néngajō also arrive from old friends; it is a pleasure both to write such cards and to receive them.
A Bilingual Handbook on Japanese Culture【第3版】』
杉浦洋一+John K. Gillespie
Why do Japanese send gifts in summer (chūgén) and winter (séibo)?
中元 Chūgén
Midyear present
Long ago a Taoist ritual, chūgén took on the influence of the Buddhist Bon Festival, which was held around the same time, as well as the Japanese way of thinking in dividing the year into two halves, and it became an event for honoring ancestors and celebrating the safety of the first half of the year. The custom of afterwards sharing with relatives and other people items that had been offered up to the spirits of the dead changed into the current custom of courteously exchanging gifts.
Consequently, chūgén today principally refers to gifts that individuals and businesses send from early in July to July 15th to people to whom they are indebted.
歳暮 Seibo
Year-end present
This is a gift sent in the middle of December. Compared with the midyear chūgén gift, this one signifies gratitude for kindness throughout the year, so it costs somewhat more than chūgén. Early in December department stores begin to get crowded with people buying gifts, and that hustle and bustle is part of the year-end atmosphere that gives a real sense of the approaching new year. Usually, people say oseibo, adding the prefix “o” to express politeness.
Why do Japanese visit the family grave during the vernal and autumnal equinoxes?
「cocolo supplie ココロさぷり」のコメントはありませんが以下の引用をお読みください。
彼岸 Higan
Equinoctial weeks
Higan occurs twice a year and each lasts one week, with the Vernal and Autumn Equionx Days occurring in the middle of their respective weeks. In Buddhist terms, higan means “the other side of the river crossed by the dead,” which means that, while this side is the world of the living, the other side is the world of the dead. In order to comfort the spirits of the ancestors on the other side, people make visits to graves during higan. It is generally called “ohigan,” with the prefix “o” to make it sound polite.
Why is Obon held twice, in July and August?
盆 Bon
Bon Festival
This is a Buddhist event occurring from the 13th to 15th of July or August to hold a memorial service for the spirits of ancestors. Because the spirits of the dead are said to return at this time, fires are lit at the entrances to homes so the spirits do not lose their way, and, in addition to lanterns being lit inside homes, the Buddhist home alters are tidied up and vegetables and fruit are set out as offerings. And when *bon is over, the spirits are sent on their way. This is called the escorting of the spirits and fires to send them on their way are lit at entrances of homes and offerings are floated on rivers and the ocean.
Why are candles set afloat on rivers and in the ocean during Obon?
Why are temple bells struck 108 times at midnight on New Year's Eve?
Why are there good and bad days to have a wedding?
Why don't Japanese like the numbers 4 and 9?

Why is there a little pile of salt in front of Japanese style restaurants?
Why do women give men chocolate on Valentine's Day?
なお、「cocolo supplie ココロさぷり」ではコラボ作品も随時募集中です。
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See this post for the details.
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「cocolo supplie ココロさぷり」

アトリエ 9-1/2(ヌフ・エ・デミ) atelier neuf et demi
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